Helping you look and feel your best!
Wrinkle Relaxers/Toxins

Often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye, and other conditions.
Botox also may help prevent migraine.
Ask about specials for first-time customers.
Dermal Filllers

Plump thin lips
Enhance shallow contours
Soften facial creases and wrinkles
Improve the appearance of recessed scars
Reconstruct contour deformities in the face
Decrease or remove the shadow of the lower lids

Microneedling can help improve the appearance and texture of your skin, reduce acne and surgical scars, minimize stretch marks, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and help build collagen and fibrin for a more youthful appearance.
It is best used in conjunction with Platelet Rich Plasma, Platelet-rich fibrin, or plant stem cells for optimal results.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

​Your own blood is drawn to harvest your stem cells, platelets, and growth factors and then reinjected back into the area to be treated.
In the face it is used to reduce or remove dark circles and fine lines under and around the eyes, plump the lips, hair restoration, and for an overall youthful glow!
Many other uses include erectile dysfunction, vaginal rejuvenation, hand rejuvenation, or breast enhancement.
It is recommended to have 3 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart for the best results. Numbing is applied for ultimate comfort.
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

This is like PRP but without the use of any anticoagulant.
The blood is spun at a slower speed and a shorter time in the centrifuge so there are more of the growth factors and fibrin retained. Therefore it continues secreting growth factors for up to a week after the initial injection and produces more profound anti-aging results.
PRP/PRF Biofiller

Do you feel uncomfortable with standard hyaluronic acid fillers and want to plump your face with growth factors for a more natural look?
Your own blood plasma can be heated and mixed with PRP or PRF for an all-natural filler that provides a beautifully natural look that will grow new blood vessels with almost zero risk of complications.
Hair Restoration

I use multiple modalities which you can choose from: your own platelet-rich plasma or platelet-rich fibrin with or without organic state-of-the-art plant stem cells, microneedling, smooth PDO threads, red light therapy, and/or ultrasound to stimulate your hair to grow again.
You will begin to see results within a month and treatments are every 4-6 weeks over 3-6 months.
Meyer's Cocktail (Iv)

The modified "Myers' cocktail," which consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamin C, has been found to be effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders.
Drip of Venus

This IV mixture is to improve skin, hair, and nails while giving a radiant glow that complements all other treatments.
Includes Vitamin C, B-Complex, Biotin, and optional Glutathione.
Immune Builder

This is to help the immune system with the tools it needs to heal and stay in optimal condition during times of stress, sickness, or to avoid sickness.
This includes Vit C, B-complex, and zinc.
Custom IV Drips

Other drips can be speciality mixed for Hangover, Athletic Recovery, Migraine, or just dehydration.
Add-on injections:
Glutathione (beautiful skin and one of the strongest antioxidants available)
B-12 for energy and red blood cell production
MICC B-complex for weight loss
Zofran for nausea
Toradol for aches and pains